
Illuminated People Turnstile Records **

Illuminated People Turnstile Records**

No man is an Islet – at least where this eccentric vocal- swapping collective is concerned. With "DIY" and "outré" describing the Cardiff band's modus operandi, it's easy to guess that their music is slightly unconventional in terms of chart success. Illuminated People, Islet's full-length debut, is quirky. At times their sprawling, psychedelic indie touches on Super Furry Animals' more wacky moments ( Libra Man). Elsewhere, their apparently improvised compositions and off-kilter rhythms touch upon Gang Gang Dance ( Entwined Pines). For all their tempo and style changes, however, there's a disjointed feel to proceedings. It sounds like Islet's overreaching imagination stretches beyond the boundaries of cohesiveness, leaving an album of messy experiments rather than memorable songs.

Download tracks: Entwined Pines, A Bear on His Own

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times