
Fields City Slang ****

FieldsCity Slang ****

Junip's laid-back tunes have been incubating for several years, which makes sense – music that manages artistic tightness while sounding languidly off-the-cuff is hard to pull off. Here's a band who don't care if you want to hear their 1960s and '70s influences, but who know they'll have convinced you by the time the last song fades. Much will be made of José González's membership (he plays guitar and sings), but the Gothenburg trio are a band without leaders. The folksy backbone is a misnomer; Tobias Winterkorn's keys ensure there are krautrock fractures all the way through. It's alternatively meditative and circular, spewing out looping beats and hazy Rhodes. Alwaysis a percussive comedown and Rope & Summitan insistent roll-down-the-window roadtrip. It may have been a tardy debut, but it's been well worth the wait. See junip.net

Download Tracks:In Every Direction, It's Alright, Always

Sinéad Gleeson

Sinéad Gleeson

Sinéad Gleeson is a writer, editor and Irish Times contributor specialising in the arts