Karen Elson

The Ghost Who Walks, XL Recordings ***

The Ghost Who Walks, XL Recordings ***

Being dismissed as “Mrs Jack White” hasn’t deterred Karen Elson from forging her own musical career. To her credit, the Manchester-born model, actress and singer has previous form, having duetted with Cat Power, sung backing vocals for Robert Plant, and contributed to various other musical projects. Her debut album,

ably produced by White, is a satisfactory if slightly uneven affair. Slinky lo-fi numbers with crackly, bluesy instrumental breaks (the title track, Pretty Babies) impress most, but they're somewhat impaired by the primitive folk and country vibe, which just don't suit the tone initially set by songs that sound like Nancy Sinatra-esque murder ballads. Still, there's likable peculiarity to much of this album (particularly the eerie Victorian sideshow rumble of 100 Years from Now) that warrants repeated listens. See karenelson.com

Download tracks: Pretty Babies, 100 Years from Now

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times