Lightspeed Champion

Life is Sweet. Nice to Meet You Domino ***

Life is Sweet. Nice to Meet You

Devonté Hynes's days as a Test Icicle seem aeons away, but it was less than five years ago that the 24-year-old Essex-via-Texas lad was concocting questionable dance-punk tunes with his cohorts. His solo material is, thankfully, far removed from that scene, as was proved on his quietly charming 2008 debut, produced by Mike Mogis. Its optimistically titled successor is less folk-oriented without the Saddle Creek man's input, but it's just as genial. Madame van Dammeis an undoubted highlight, its old-time jukebox-pop throb befitting a drive-in movie theatre, while Marlene's firm beat propels its string-infused melody forward agreeably. If there's one quibble, it's that several songs seem to gather pace before receding, their stop- start thrust making it difficult to fully engage. Still, a minor quibble about an affable album. www.light

Download tracks: Madame van Damme, Marlene

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times