Marina and the Diamonds

Electra Heart Atlantic ****

Electra HeartAtlantic ****

Just when you thought that Marina Lambrini Diamandis might go the way of the dodo (or, indeed, Duffy), along she comes with album number two to pointedly prove not only that not all second albums are mush, but also that if you try hard enough you can progress to a level where casual observers become fully paid-up members of your fan club. A concept album of sorts (feminism, femininity, relationship break-ups, the occasional cold-heartedness of power-based romance) that pitches its stylistic tent somewhere between the pop nous of Katy Perry, Madonna, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, Electra Heart has a Euro-pop brashness to it that augurs well for enduring chart success (its producers include US hotshots Dr Luke and Greg Kurstin) as well as getting her name out there beyond a niche audience.

Download tracks:Bubblegum Bitch, Primadonna, Teen Idle

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture