Our Little Secrets

Our Little Secrets OLS Records ***

Our Little Secrets OLS Records ***

It'd be all too easy to tag Rhob Cunningham as "the new Damien Rice", not least because Rice's former associate Lisa Hannigan lends her voice to several tracks on his debut album. It's certainly obvious that the Dubliner boasts an impressive contact list (Cathy Davey is also among the contributors, while musician Gavin Glass does a sterling job by producing these songs with warmth and subtlety), but Cunningham's aspirations stretch much further than the folk realm. Sure, there are echoes of Joshes Ritter and Rouse here, but the meandering pop of Good or Bad Thing, the rousing Americana of Her Cup & Her Armsand the lively 1970s country-blues of Mornin' Callmake for an easygoing and thoroughly likeable record, tailor-made for lazy, sun- dappled afternoons. See ourlittlesecrets.ie

Download tracks: Good or Bad Thing, Could Get Special

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times