Phil Robson

The Immeasurable Code Whirlwind ****

The Immeasurable Code Whirlwind****

English guitarist Phil Robson’s skills as an accompanist have made him one of the most in-demand sidemen on the London scene, notably with singer-songwriter Christine Tobin. Even when he is the leader, he is generous to a fault, consummate in his ability to support what the musicians around him are stretching for and secure enough to let others take the spotlight. And well he might, considering the group he assembled for this live recording. Much-admired US saxophonist Mark Turner, in particular, takes Robson’s excellent compositions in a variety of unexpected directions, and behind the drums, Cuban percussionist and Richard Bona regular Ernesto Simpson drives it all along with utter conviction. At a time when jazz musicians are mixing it up more than most, it’s almost reassuring to hear that musicians of this quality can still swing hard over changes. See

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director