Romantic Trumpet Sonatas

Jonathan Freeman-Attwood (trumpet), Daniel Ben-Pienaar (piano) Linn Records CKD 370 **

Jonathan Freeman-Attwood (trumpet), Daniel Ben-Pienaar (piano) Linn Records CKD 370**

The title Romantic Trumpet Sonatas from the enterprising Linn Records might seem like an enticing prospect. Sadly it's not. It's more a case of the devil finding work for idle hands. Only three of the four works on the disc are actually sonatas, and only one of them, Karl Pilss's undistinguished Sonata of 1935, was actually written for trumpet. Apart from that, Jonathan Freeman-Attwood and his piano-playing partner-in-crime, David Ben-Pienaar, have simply filched three 19th-century works, Grieg's HolbergSuite, Schumann's Violin Sonata in A minor and Mendelssohn's Cello Sonata in D. If these strike you as unlikely targets, that's exactly how they sound. Freeman-Attwood pays negligible attention to the character of the originals, and ploughs through, with a sometimes devastating lack of subtlety, as if the original lines were written for trumpet! See

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor