Sky Larkin

Kaleide Wichita Recordings ***

KaleideWichita Recordings ***

It happens all the time: with so much new music out there, it’s inevitable that a peach of a debut will slip through the cracks. That’s what happened with Sky Larkin’s 2009 debut,

The Golden Spike– a frenzied, fun explosion of punky, thrashy pop music. The Leeds trio's second album may not maintain quite the same levels of exuberance, but there are enough rocket-fuelled jangles, choppy rhythms and jumbled melodies to keep fans sated. Opener Still Windmillssets the high-powered pace brilliantly, while Katie Harkin adds just the right smatterings of vulnerability to her biting yelp when it's wrapped around songs such as the evenly paced Anjelica Huston. The unrelenting energy is perhaps a little exhausting at times, but as musical pick-me- ups go, Kaleideis a record that stretches for the skies. See

Download tracks:Anjelica Huston, Still Windmills

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times