
Yeah Nothing Richter Collective ****

Yeah Nothing Richter Collective****

Buzz can be a damaging force, as weight of expectation forces acts into creative corners before they've even begun. Thankfully that's not the case with Dublin's Squarehead, whose debut album lives up to the effervescent promise of their live show. Many of these 12 short songs could stand shoulder to shoulder with Weezer's finest moments, but they also cast a glance back at pop's golden age, incorporating swoonsome rock'n'roll, doo-wop and the melodic songwriting sensibility of such greats as Brian Wilson. Tracks Save Yourselfand Midnight Enchiladaare just a pleasure to listen to, their straightforward blueprints no less effective for their feel-good simplicity. If there's a criticism, it's that Yeah Nothing's tone remains maddeningly samey at points, but overall, this is a triumph. See squarehead.bandcamp.com

Download tracks: Midnight Enchilada, Save Yourself, Tasty Fruit

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times