The Chakras

Build Me a Swan Planet Function **

Build Me a Swan Planet Function**

After several years trying to break through in their native Dublin, The Chakras have upped sticks and relocated to London in the hope of making friends and influencing people in the British music market. They recorded their long- expected debut album there, with Verve producer Chris Potter behind the desk – a no-brainer, given the quintet's blatantly audible deference to Oasis, Stone Roses and Kasabian. Yet where Build Me a Swancould have soared, it feebly flutters and crumples. The chasms in style between epic, swirling indie tunes and dated dance beats ( Drifting) are too odd to make any coherent statement, and frontman Rocky O'Reilly's odd, polarising vocals don't help matters none. A valiant attempt, but one that ultimately rings hollow. See

Download tracks: Build Me a Swan, Beautiful Sorrow

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times