The Flaws

Constant Adventure Arrivals Records ***

Constant Adventure Arrivals Records ***

It may be three years since The Flaws released an album, but the Monaghan four-piece have no intention of being left behind. The gloom-tinted indie sound of their debut

Achieving Vagueness

indubitably had a shelf life, but their second effort is a hugely confident step forward in comparison. With big choruses, big production values and Paul Finn's eminently likable voice, much of


Constant Adventure

would scrape the roofs of stadiums with little effort, while their newfound sense of spry melody and multi-part harmonies (best heard on the superb

Eastern Shore

) perhaps owe a debt to Paul Simon and The Beach Boys. Although the similar tone of certain tracks becomes a little formulaic in places, The Flaws really should be as big as Snow Patrol by now. On this evidence, they're an infinitely better band. See

Download tracks: Eastern Shore, Constant Adventure

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times