The Hard Ground

Broken Conversations Rainbow Rain Records ***

Broken Conversations Rainbow Rain Records***

Sometimes it takes a few attempts to hit the right note. Marlene Enright and Pat Carey started off as a duo, but it was only after filling out their sound with two more members and regrouping under The Hard Ground banner that things began to click. Broken Conversations is a terrifically accomplished debut, the Corkonians' sound greedily grabbing elements from cabaret pop, folk balladry and subtle strains of blues-rock, while accompanied by an elegant string quartet. The stealthy bar-room pomp pf Drinkin' to Heaven recalls Tom Waits's theatricality, a parallel emphasised by Carey's gruff vocals. His husky drawl is offset by Enright's sultry softness, a contrast utilised well on Pawn and Reckless. It may not be unique, but The Hard Ground's sound is soft and sweet.

Download tracks:Drinkin' to Heaven; A Man, a God, a Woman

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times