MTMTMK, Moshi Moshi ****
Fond memories of their 2010 debut album Warm Heart of Africa ensures there will probably be a fine welcome for The Very Best's second album. The initial collaboration between Malawian singer Esau Mwamwaya and Franco/Swedish production duo Radioclit produced songs awash with joyous, exuberant interplanetary pop. This time around it's Mwamwaya with Johan Hugo Karlberg (Etienne Tron having departed), and the results are just as noteworthy and tremendous. The tropical pop that underpinned their debut is amplified and toughened to set a new kind of scene on tracks such as Adani, Moto and Rumbae. There are plenty of collaborators in the room, including Amadou Mariam, K'Naan, Seye Adelekan and Mumford Sons dude Winston Marshall, but it's the sonic die cast by Mwamwaya and Hugo that determines the direction of this album.
Download tracks:Adani, Moto, Rumbae