The View

Cheeky for a Reason, Cooking Vinyl **

Cheeky for a Reason, Cooking Vinyl **

Even though their last two albums didn't perform quite as well as their 2007 debut, the former brattish darlings of the UK's indie scene have made it to release No 4. The Dundee quartet have something to prove with Cheeky for a Reason, but for the most part, their aspirations toward "Fleetwood Mac's Rumours done by The Clash" fall overwhelmingly short. Several songs poke their heads above the prosaic indie-rock parapets, most notably the ramshackle, harmony-dappled pop pep of AB (We Need Treatment) and the laid-back twinkle of Bunker (Solid Ground). It's a pity, then, that songs Anfield Row and Hole in the Bed find The View reverting to their default setting of pointless Libertines-aping nostalgia. Without any new ideas, The View's long-term outlook is increasingly bleak.

Download tracks:AB (We Need Treatment), Bunker (Solid Ground)

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times