Wild Nothing

Gemini, Captured Tracks ****

Gemini,Captured Tracks ****

Such is the excavating nature of pop that every moment in time is revisited at least once – or, in the mind of Virginia Tech student Jack Tatum, over and over again in swirls of dream-pop guitar and hazy crop-dusting synthesizers. With his head firmly rooted in the clouds, Tatum channels the angsty jangles of Marr/Morrissey ( Live in Dreams, O, Lilac), the ethereal hum of the Cocteau Twins(Drifter), and the bleached-out postcards of Sarah Records. He even slips into chillwave territory on Bored Gamesand the Arthur Russell blues of The Witching Hour.

Wild Nothing is like a sort of heaven (or hell?) where hipsters and indie-pop classicists can agree on life. Anyone can do nostalgia or homage; the trick is bringing it back to life as an expression of your own personal feelings and dreams. Only an excellent songwriter such as Tatum can make that happen.

See myspace.com/wildnothing


Download tracks: Chinatown, Live in Dreams