All our Electric Picnic videos. Remember it started off sunny?

Our video team roamed Stradbally all weekend, documenting the Picnic and its people

The Electric Picnic 2016 in Stradbally, Co Laois, when it was still sunny. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

It was probably the wettest Electric Picnic to date. Did that ruin it? Hell, no. Our video team roamed the fields of Stradbally all weekend, documenting the festival and its people. It’s easy to forget that it all started off in the sunshine on Friday. Click on any of these to remind yourself . . .

>> What it all looked like before the rain started fallingOpens in new window ]

>> The first arrivals. Why were they walking so very, very slowly?Opens in new window ]

>> Wetness, wellies and ponchos on Day 2Opens in new window ]

>> Bananarama on the trouble with selfiesOpens in new window ]

Jumping between torrential rain and scorching heat all weekend long didn’t stop people having an amazing time at Electric Picnic this year, here are some of the highlights.

>> GAA fever on SundayOpens in new window ]

>> And if you don't have time to watch all those, here's the whole festival, condensed into 2.5 short minutes.