For its latest compilation of up-and-coming world wavemakers, All City hands the curatorial reins to sharp-eared Lithuanian DJ and talent scout Mamiko Motto. Motto has built her rep via the Hepcat radio show and label doings for Kindred Spirits, so she comes to the game with finely tuned tastes. Providing familiar heft and weight are tracks from Georgia Anne Muldrow, whose Git Dee throws down next-level boho-soul shapes; Dorian Concept, whose Empty Everything (But You) is a deeply emotional slow-burner; and James Pants (Stones Throw-endorsed psych freewheeling on Ritual Magick). Best of all are the newer names, with the mighty blur of SNTST's For Forest Play Only and DZ's rocksteady Shoulda Coulda making you reach for the rewind. A timely reminder that electronic music's future stars are most definitely residing underground. allcity
Download: SNTST, For Forest Play Only; DZ, Shoulda Coulda; Georgia Anne Muldrow, Git Dee