If David Lynch were to reset Blue Velvet in the wilds of West Cork, then Anna Mitchell's evocative, dark songs of life and love's painful kiss would sit well on the soundtrack. Mitchell plays keyboards and sings with promising Cork band John Blek and the Rats, and her debut solo album enlists their support, notably Blek on guitar and backing vocals. Unsurprisingly, her own work trawls the same Americana tributaries though Mitchell's intense and assured songs carry her own stamp. The mood is subdued, characterised by the muted brass and steel guitar motifs that colour many of the best songs including Fall Like That, Let's Run Away, Tennessee, What's a Fool To Do? and Long Time Gone. Her singing is also restrained but conveys real character. Downsides are the occasional muddy sound and some sluggish pacing, but overall an impressive debut. annamitchellmusic.com
Anna Mitchell: Down to the Bone | Album Review