By now there are so many post- punk indie rock bands out there that unless they've got something special – or even something extra – they're really doing no more than taking up space at a crowded party. Bear Hands belong in the Must-They-Really-Bother club. They emerged some seven years ago as a hot-button NYC act thanks to a sturdy EP (Golden) and followed that up in 2010 with an even stronger debut album (Burning Bush Supper Club). They're clearly not a band to rush matters, and so their second arrives four years later with much diagonal-pop swagger but too little substance. Yes, there are smart touches (specifically Sleeping on the Floor and Vile Iowa, which display a lyrical knack for highlighting youthful naivety). Overall, though, main songwriter Dylan Rau allows his ideas to run riot without bothering to contain any of them. Download: Sleeping on the Floor, Vile Iowa
Bear Hands: Distraction