Becoming Real: Pure Apparition | Album Review

Pure Apparition
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Artist: Becoming Real
Genre: Electronic
Label: Transgressive

Pure Apparition is a prime case of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

Glasgow producer Toby Ridler’s debut album should have been out a while back, but technical problems and hard drive malfunctions which could not be remedied by simply turning the computer off and on again scuppered that idea.

Instead, Ridler started the project from scratch which means Pure Apparition benefits hugely from the current favours and flavours in the producer's terms of reference.

It's a fine sweep of sounds with elbow room for experimental electronic wonkiness (Only Real) and some smart ambient passages such as the title track.


While the album as a whole doesn’t quite exhibit any essential or groundbreaking attractions, it’s a decent listen none the less. in new window ]