Björk : Emotional landscapes and an elemental picnic

Cosmonaut tsarina dress did not overshadow icelandic singer

Björk on the main stage at Electric Picnic, Stradbally Co Laois.Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons / The Irish Times

Stars *****

If you wear a dress that's cosmonaut tsarina by way of Alexander McQueen, there's a danger you might overshadow your music. Not, though, if you're Björk, and your arsenal is made up of an unearthly 14-strong choir, a bewildering array of instrumentation, a Tesla coil occasionally dropping from the roof to crackle electrical life across the stage, bursts of fire and smoke on tap, and galactic electronic backdrops.

Then there’s the music, which is as elementally powerful as anything you’re likely to encounter this lifetime. Challenging, terrifying, utterly engrossing, sacred and sublime - this is a show built on the scale of landscapes, with enough kinetic charge to level a city, let alone a festival main stage. Done.