"What's the word on the street: have I lost my crown, or will I be king again?"A good question, Boy George; after all, it's your non-musical activities that have dominated press coverage over the past two decades. The pop icon's first album of original material since 1998 is something of a mixed bag. Reggae and soul is the prevailing flavour across songs such as My Star and Bigger Than War, while a guest rapper on Play Me injects an unconvincing contemporary slant. That said, the 52-year-old's soulful, husky croon is consistently gorgeous, while his lyrics notebook references everything from his faith (My God) to cheeky nods to past transgressions (Nice & Slow). A mature, solid comeback, certainly – but a snap in the tail wouldn't have gone amiss, either. boygeorge.co.uk
Download: Any Road, Live Your Life
Boy George: This Is What I Do