Dylan Foley & Dan Gurney: Music From The Hudson Valley | Album Review

Music From The Hudson Valley
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Artist: Dylan Foley & Dan Gurney
Genre: Traditional
Label: Independent Release

It’s refreshing to hear musicians ride the returning tide of immigration with such quiet confidence.

Dylan Foley and Dan Gurney are Catskills boys, steeped in our music as it unfolded itself across the Atlantic – Foley is a 2014 All Ireland fiddle champion, and he and Gurney have read the tea leaves of the tradition with both ears cocked to the music of Roscommon and Galway, by way of flute/whistle player Mike McHale and Monsignor Charlie Coen.

The pair favour a languid pace, with the second reel in the opening set, The Moving Cloud tracing a picaresque route through some surprising chord changes.

Brian McGrath guests on piano and Alec Finn on bouzouki, and the four share a palette and pace that revels in darker corners and languorous moments.


A spacious, unhurried collection.

dylanfoleyanddangurney.bandcamp.comOpens in new window ]

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts