Eoin Duignan: Pagan Irish Cath Finntragha

Pagan Irish Cath Finntrágha
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Artist: Eoin Duignan
Genre: Traditional
Label: Independent Release

The uilleann pipes can offer such an architectural sound: structured and angular, shot through with a fluidity that no other instrument can emulate.

Dingle-based piper, Eoin Duignan's latest collection is epic in every way: charting an episode from The Fianna's heroic saga known as Cath Finntrágha, or the Battle of Ventry Strand, it swings, weeps, shimmies and mourns with the most magnificent, graceful ease. Duignan strikes a tone that's all his own (on low whistle, as well as pipes): quietly self-possessed on Dolar Durba/ The Young Prince of Ulster and later, deeply meditative on Tribute to the Prince of Ulster.

Robbie Harris’ percussion, Trevor Hutchinson’s bass and Donogh Hennessy’s low lying production underscore the organic, unhurr- ied essence of Duignan’s music. This is a collection ideally suited to the uncertain light and ebbing darkness of late winter.

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Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts