Free as a bird: Dundalk trio Norabelle’s debut album, Wren , is available for free download from harmlessnoise

Free as a bird:Dundalk trio Norabelle's debut album, Wren, is available for free download from harmlessnoise.

Phantom sales:Tickets for Phantom of the Operaat Grand Canal Theatre, Dublin, are on sale from today. The production runs next year from July 4th to August 4th.

Into the light: Shade of Light have released a Christmas single in aid of Irish Cystic Fibrosis charities. December Eveis available from iTunes now.

Rice one: Rumours abound that Damien Rice's Cannonballwill be the X Factor winner's debut single

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times