Gerry O’Connor, Gilles le Bigot, Nuala Kennedy and Martin Quinn: Oirialla

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Artist: Gerry O'Connor et al
Genre: Traditional
Label: Lughnasa Music

The rich musical tradition of Oriel (north Louth, south Armagh and east Monaghan) may not have garnered the attention of other regional styles, but on Oirialla it shines with a finesse that befits its long bardic heritage. The album features a newly minted foursome in fiddler Gerry O'Connor; his former Lá Lugh compadre, Breton guitarist Gilles le Bigot; flute player and singer Nuala Kennedy; and accordion player Martin Quinn. Oirialla quietly celebrates the bare-naked delicacy of its Scots-influenced repertoire, richly interwoven with more contemporary tunes and songs. Kennedy's voice is an unfettered, lilting delight, and their inventive interpretation of Chicago fiddler Liz Carroll's Mrs Carroll's Strathspey revels in the boundless energy that courses through their tune book. A fine-boned, tantalising collection that unfurls itself at a delightfully leisurely pace.
oiriallamusic. com

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts