Gráinne Hunt: Firing Pin - Album Review

Firing Pin
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Artist: Grainne Hunt
Genre: Singer / Songwriter
Label: Self-released

There are so many songwriters battling for your ears these days (and months) you would think they’d give up after a few years of fighting.

Some do, of course, but the resilient ones are those who are either brave or foolhardy, and while it could be argued that Irish singer-songwriter Gráinne Hunt is a bit of both, there’s no doubting her debut mini-album release is hewn out of a subtle, special talent.

The style is straightforward and traditional – the six tunes here are in themselves familiar, but what sets them apart is Hunt’s way with melody lines that don’t always take the usual routes; not left-of-centre, but veering that way.

Songs as strong as the title track (and new single), Lilacs, Low Tides and The Words of it All are delivered in forthright fashion, and are as lyrically aware as you can hope for. Result!

grainnehunt.comOpens in new window ]

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture