Irish National Opera appoints Fergus Sheil as artistic director

Company’s first production, Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro, to be directed by Patrick Mason

Fergus Sheil: artistic director of Irish National Opera. Photograph: Alan Betson

The new Irish National Opera company (INO), created as the result of an Arts Council initiative earlier this year, has announced its first appointments. The company, with expected council support in excess of €2.5 million, is being created through the merger of Wide Open Opera and Opera Theatre Company, and will become the council's second largest client after the Abbey Theatre.

INO's artistic director will be conductor and opera producer Fergus Sheil (46), formerly artistic director of Wide Open Opera and Opera Theatre. The executive director, Diego Fasciati (48), has worked with Boston Lyric Opera, Opera Theatre Company, the Arts Council and Rough Magic Theatre Company.

Gavin O'Sullivan (50), who becomes head of production, has worked with Wide Open Opera, the National Concert Hall and Barry Douglas's orchestra, Camerata Ireland. The new marketing manager, Sorcha Carroll (49) and office and finance manager, Cate Kelliher (41), both transfer from Opera Theatre Company.

Irish National Opera has already announced its first new production, Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro directed by Patrick Mason, which will be seen in the National Opera House, Wexford on Friday, April 13th, and at the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin from Tuesday, April 17th, to Saturday 21st. The company will announce its full 2018 season after a gala Big Bang! concert at the National Concert Hall on Tuesday, January 9th.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor