Jon Sanders: Zoukelele

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Artist: Jon Sanders
Genre: World Music
Label: Independent Release

Borders melt, languages collide and unlikely rhythms tiptoe in between one another with agility. Jon Sanders is a guitarist with a rich history. Recently he's been experimenting with intriguing musical instruments and arrangements. Zoukelele is a celebration of the many musically elastic positions in which a bouzouki and ukulele might find themselves. Other hybrid instruments abound too (guizouki and ngoni uke), and the results offer a collection that stretches from the deeply meditative Walk With Me to the impishly playful Stromboli Stomp and the jazz-tinged, finger picking Wolf Whistle. There are two albums jostling for space here: a ruminant, meditative collection and a loping, languid spice-mix that stretches from Mali to Ethiopia, the Middle East and what he calls "Celtic Lands".

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts