Junior Boys - Big Black Coat: a serving of rich, warm, vibrant and shapeshifting electronica

Big Black Coat
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Artist: Junior Boys
Genre: Electronic
Label: City Slang

Jeremy Greenspan and Matt Didemus always struck you as an act who were on the cusp of something fascinating, yet were never able to get a fix on just what that was.

The fifth album from the duo, though, changes this scenario with a serving of rich, warm, vibrant and shapeshifting electronica.

The influence of their fellow Ontario explorers Jessy Lanza and Dan 'Caribou' Snaith, both of whom have worked with the pair, has obviously helped to tap new energies as it's clear Junior Boys have found a new way to make and do since It's All True five years ago.

On tracks where the electronic, disco, house and techno sounds which make up their canvas are soft-focus and lush, Greenspan's vocals resonate with real soul to keep you holding on on tracks like You Say That, Love Is A Fire and C'mon Baby.


An album which was well worth waiting for.