Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged

The pop singer and the model reportedly got engaged during a trip to the Bahamas

Singer Justin Bieber (l) and model Hailey Baldwin have reportedly become engaged. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

Pop singer Justin Bieber became engaged to model Hailey Baldwin over the weekend, according to US media reports on Sunday.

The couple dated in 2016 but had broken up. Last month, they appeared together publicly, leading to speculation from fans that they had rekindled their romance, CNN reported.

The pair got engaged on Saturday during a trip to the Bahamas, E! News said.

Agents for Bieber (24) and Baldwin (21) did not immediately respond to requests for comments.


Bieber’s parents put up social media posts that helped spark speculation about the pair.

A tweet posted by Baldwin's father, actor Stephen Baldwin, also seemed to allude to the engagement, saying: "Always pray 4 Gods [sic] will!! He is moving in the hearts of JB&HB," according to CNN. The post is no longer on Baldwin's Twitter account.

The romantic status of the Canadian-born pop singer, one of the world's biggest-selling musical acts, is of acute interest to his fans. Bieber dated singer and actor Selena Gomez off and on for years. – Reuters