Kylie Minogue: Kiss Me Once

Kiss Me Once
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Artist: Kylie Minogue
Genre: Pop
Label: Parlophone

It's no mean feat to sustain a career in music for almost three decades and still be relevant. Kylie Minogue has been one of pop's most consistent linchpins (hello there, Madonna), and album No 12 sees the 45-year-old still striving for quality tunes. Nowadays that means working and writing with people such as Sia Furler (on the Rihanna-esque grimy dubstep number Sexercize) and the ubiquitous Pharrell Williams (I Was Gonna Cancel 's sharp, staccato synth-led beat is irresistible), as well as producers Stargate and Darkchild. Beautiful, a ballad duet with Enrique Iglesias, is the only really stale offering on Kiss Me Once. The rest, including the breathy, quirky If Only and the swinging, youthful Sexy Love, are proof positive that Minogue is an artist growing older gracefully – and that pop maturity doesn't necessarily have to come at a price.
Download: I Was Gonna Cancel, Les Sex

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times