Skerries singer-songwriter Liz Seaver seems intent on doing things her way; this is her second self-released, self-funded album (her so-called accidental debut, Till the Day Fades In, was released in 2005), and if it doesn't gain her the kind of attention she deserves then life is indeed unfair. From the opener, Inside Out, to the closer, Little Song, Seaver serves up rugged material that, while adhering to singer-songwriter templates, is individual enough to make the album's 12 tracks go by without causing too much concern. Songs such as Can't Help Myself, In Between You and Me, Down in Tears, Exposed, and Hold On highlight a nervous apprenticeship worked in support slots. But Seaver isn't short of lyrical confidence as is proven by more personal confessions that are neither shy nor insincere. One to keep an eye and ear out for.
Download: Inside Out, In Between You and Me, Exposed
Liz Seaver: Turbulent Bliss