It's easy to admire Maxïmo Park's perseverance. It's easier to wonder where their resolve comes from. Since the Newcastle band's Mercury Prize-nominated debut in 2005, Maxïmo Park have struggled to maintain a high-quality output. Attempting to breathe life into a jaded formula, this fifth album couples their usual perky arena-friendly post-punk with a smoother new wave feel. Ever the earnest vocalist, Paul Smith's bloke-looking-for-love shtick has worn thin; when he delivers lines such as "I never came too soon, you didn't come too soon" (Is It True), are we supposed to laugh or cry? Occasionally – on My Bloody Mind and the nostalgia burst of Drinking Martinis – the lyrical pegs fit the musical holes. But these are rare reprieves on an album otherwise lacking a memorable identity.
Download: My Bloody Mind, Drinking Martinis
Maxïmo Park: Too Much Information