Unlike Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus swears and she drinks. She even chopped her locks and donned a pair of Docs, but it's her new album that will finally wedge the two apart. Thanks to her VMA performance, everybody has their opinions. But does the music deliver? To the majority's disgust, it does. We Can't Stop and Wrecking Ball topped the charts and her next single, SMS (with Britney Spears), is positively bizarre. With Cyrus's Nashville timbre, the urban influence on Bangerz is certainly . . . something: see her 4x4 collaboration with Nelly. Her new lease of life brings mixed results; avoid the Stand By Me sampling My Darlin' and Love Money Party, but embrace the break-up ballad Drive and the insane FU, which sounds like a modern take on Tom Jones's Delilah. Miley Cyrus has gone gonzo and it's bloody brilliant. mileycyrus.com
Download: SMS, FU, Wrecking Ball
Miley Cyrus: Bangerz