Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers: Loved Wild Lost - Album Review

Loved Wild Lost
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Artist: Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers
Genre: Rock
Label: Little Sur

“Our music definitely hearkens [back to] another era,” says Nicki Bluhm, “but at the same time, we want it to be contemporary. Reflective of now even though it nods to other times. We want it to be vintage modern.”

Nice phrase, all very Californian, which is reasonable as Ms Bluhm and the band, led by her San Franciscan husband and co-songwriter Tim Bluhm, are very much steeped in Golden State music and culture, particularly the country-rock strain and its jangling pop close cousin.

So you can namecheck Linda Ronstadt, Fleetwood Mac, The Bangles, The Byrds and even the Grateful Dead on this their second album.

Yet, infectious retreads like Heartache and Waiting on Love carry a subtle punch, and Ms Bluhm's voice has real presence, especially on the complex High Neck Lace and the soft country of Simpler Times.

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