Nuala Kennedy - Behave the Bravest: an adventurous spirit and a canny ear

Behave The Bravest
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Artist: Nuala Kennedy
Genre: Traditional
Label: Under The Arch Records

Energy and imagination fuel this exceptionally rich fourth solo collection from the singer and flute player. At its heart is Kennedy’s adventurous spirit and canny ear for a tune and a song.

She's taken some linchpins of the Scottish and Irish tradition and made them anew, with fresh-faced arrangements delivered in a clean, uncluttered singing style. Her reading of Fair Annie of the Loch Royanne (a first cousin once removed of Little Musgrave) is an epic delight, based on a version she got from Will Oldham and recorded while she was touring in the UK Australia and the US. Kennedy has married material from two different touring bands and somehow it works seamlessly.

Her own flute, whistles and low whistles swoop and soar through the finest percussion, fiddle and guitar lines. Long life guaranteed.

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Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts