Performers with a mind to rock

A new RTÉ doc aims to get inside the heads of singers right before they step onstage

Jehnny Beth from Savages

Last year when The Ticket interviewed Jehnny Beth from Savages at Dublin's National Concert Hall, we met broadcaster Danny Carroll, who had just finished his interview with the singer.

He said he was starting work on a radio documentary where singers talk about the art of singing, a idea which sounded like it could make for a very interesting piece of work.

That work is now complete and Carroll's documentary, Showtime, is set to air this weekend on RTÉ Radio One. As well as Beth, the show will also feature such accomplished and experienced singers as John Grant, Conor O'Brien, Camille O'Sullivan, Frances Black and Tindersticks' singer Stuart Staples.

Carroll is keen to establish what goes through a singer’s mind before stepping onstage. It’s one thing to turn it on in the studio, where you can have as many takes as the budget will allow, but it’s quite another thing to do so when there’s a full room of eager punters.


Many singers will agree with John Grant’s assertion that your own thoughts and preoccupations don’t always stay in the dressing-room.

“When you’re caught in the labyrinth of your thoughts during a performance, it can be the most excruciating hour and a half or two hours imaginable”, Grant tells Carroll. “It can be an absolute nightmare or it can be the best thing ever.”

The documentary also features insights from opera singer and psychotherapist Virginia Kerr and performance psychologist Dr Sarah Sinnamon about the minds of singers. Those contributions could provide some food for thought from anyone suffering from performance anxiety.

Showtime is on RTE Radio One on bank holiday Monday, June 6th, at 2pm, and will be available online afterwards.