Pop Corner: One Direction and Taylor Swift trade couplets; Lady Gaga opens up about depression

It sounds like Harry Stlyes has words for ex Taylor Swift on 1D’s new single Perfect

Swift response: Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles from One Direction

TRACK OF THE WEEK: Perfect by One Direction
What a month it has been for "comeback songs". Couplets haven't been traded so rapidly since the heady days of Eamon and Frankee. Case one: Ellie G's On My Mind. Case two: our track of the week below. Fingers have been furiously typed on the internet, pointing out how this is 1D's response track to Style. Apart from the neat lyrical correlation (Taylor: "Midnight, you come pick me up no headlights", 1D: "If you like midnight driving with the windows down"), the fact that Style was about Harry Styles, and that Harry and Louis co-wrote Perfect, there's one more fact to consider – the songs sound eerily similar. Regardless, we're into it.

Hero of the week is Lady Gaga. While promoting the Born This Way Foundation, she opened up about her mental-health issues to Billboard, "I've suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life, I still suffer with it every single day. I just want these kids to know that that depth that they feel as human beings is normal. We were born that way. This modern thing, where everyone is feeling shallow and less connected? That's not human." She went on, "this foundation was born from the years I spent watching my fans grow up. Many of them were really young: 11- to 17-year-olds in very tumultuous times. As I began to care for them and to see myself in them, I felt I had to do something that would remind kids they're not alone.

Zero of the week is female competition, according to Ellie Goulding. She told the Sun that she doesn't compete with pal Taylor Swift. "I don't compare myself to Taylor. She's on such an incredible level. She's got a beautiful outlook on life and a beautiful attitude and I honestly think that kindness goes such a long way in whatever you do in any field. She's genuine. We get on as we both have the same sense of humour and laughing through things is the best thing you can have."

This mash-up combines 1D's Perfect and Taylor Swift's Style with incredible precision. Wait until one minute in ...