Pop Corner: Selena Gomez is besties with Taylor Swift; Adele grows a beard

While Zayn gives zero of the week to the media

Selena Gomez shouted out to her bestie Taylor Swift who she's known for 10 years

Clare Maguire Elizabeth Taylor Do you guys remember Clare Maguire? Big bodacious voice from a few years ago, had a hit with Ain't Nobody? Anyway, Maguire is back. And she's got a fringe! Elizabeth Taylor is a track that is hindered a little by its title. It uses the image of Liz to meditate on regret, loss and hopes for the future – and is made all the more poignant by Clare's background in the biz. It takes someone who was once pegged for Sound of 2011 to sing "I've loved, I've lost" with real emotion. Welcome back, Clare.

Hero of the week is Adele, who told her Glasgow audience: "There are a lot of good beards here. My man's got a good beard and trims it sometimes in summer. It really annoys me – but I do have a beard myself. I understand when it gets hot." She clarified: "When I got pregnant I had so much testosterone in me that I grew a beard. It's not a joke. I actually do have a beard".

Selena Gomez shouted out her bestie Taylor Swift while on Lorraine, explaining "I've known her for 10 years she's been one of my best friends through thick and thin, walked by my side. Her whole family has been so supportive of me and yeah, she's been there during crucial points in my life and in my career." Gomez (left) went on: "She's known for embracing her personal story and creating a beautiful thing out of it and I was a little hesitant with that and she was always the person to encourage me to tell my story and be proud of who I am."

Zero of the week is the media, according to Zayn. He told NME: "I don't remember any rumours. You can be in the eye of it if you choose to be. Or you can let it overwhelm you. I've kept a little bit of my sanity. I understand how the media works. Journos gotta earn their money. Paps have got to earn their money."