Pop Corner: Taylor gets excited and Lorde shares some wisdom

Insider Taylor Swift finds a new place to be an outsider

Track of the week
Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift What's a pop star to do when their image has been built on being a canny outsider, only to find that they are very much now on the inside? Well, one solution is to find somewhere to be an outsider again. And so we find that Taylor Swift has moved to New York. Bright lights, big city, ingenue once more. Welcome to New York is a narrative that everyone who has moved to a big city will recognise ("OMG! The shops are open late!" etc) and has a kind of breathless excitement that will rekindle the flames in any cynic's heart.

Hero of the week
Lorde, for being the most level-headed pop star yet. Speaking about online hatred, she told Billboard: "You think, 'Wow, I didn't realise people are that mean'. But it's because people don't really think of you as a person. You're this entity, this brand." She continued: "I had a bit of a realisation last year. I was taking things people would say about me quite hard. If something isn't making me happy or making me better, then it shouldn't be something that I'm thinking about. After that, everything was okay."

Zero of the week
Phil Collins, who got sniffy with Adele after a writing session. He told Q magazine: "She's a slippery little fish is Adele. She got hold of me and asked if I would write with her. She gave me a piece of music to finish and at first I didn't know if I'd failed the audition as I didn't hear back from her. Then she said, 'No, no, I'm moving house and the baby's taking up a lot of my time, I'm not actually doing anything at the moment'." Back off, and don't rush perfection, Phil.

Now click here:
If you would like to watch Robbie Williams sing while his wife is in labour (no really). We've just linked to one video, but if you like this kind of thing, there are several more in his channel.