Pugwash: Play This Intimately (As If Among Friends) - Album Review

Play This Intimately (As If Among Friends)
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Artist: Pugwash
Genre: Pop
Label: Omnivore Recordings

Thomas Walsh has always borne his influences brazenly – but when those influences are classic pop bands like ELO, The Kinks and The Beach Boys, where’s the harm?

His band's sixth album is another stellar concoction of charming, melodic tunes that are infused with everything from country (You Could Always Cry) to chic bossa nova (Clouds) and psychedelic mariachi horns (We Are Everywhere).

Lyrically, Walsh is preoccupied with both falling in and out of love (Lucky in Every Way, The Fool I Had Become), and old friends and heroes Neil Hannon, Ray Davies and Jeff Lynne featuring in various contributory roles.

It may not be the most original album you’ll hear this year, but Pugwash remain a reliably entertaining prospect.

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Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times