Rita Ora’s new single Your Song is summertime sweet

Elsewhere, Harry Styles talks being on the Dunkirk set with Christopher Nolan, and Niall Horan says it’s lonely going solo

Tip of her tongue: Rita Ora

Rita Ora - Your Song

Cast your mind back to start, before Rita Ora was stuck in label disputes (it's been a while since she's released music, but she's finally able to get going again). Remember her solo debut How We Do? Consider this the sequel. Opening with "I woke up with the fear this morning, but I can still taste you on the tip of my tongue", Rita's reconsidering being single. It's light and breezy, with stripped-back production, but the confessional lyrics are summertime sweet, like eating ice-cream in your new sweetheart's back garden.

Heroes of the week are the Haim sisters, who told BBC radio one how to get by living with your parents. "Wake up as early as possible and leave the house, so you don't have to deal with them in the morning," says Alana. "Still say please and thank you, always do the dishes" is Este's advice. "No dishes in the sink," adds Alana.

Meanwhile, Harry Styles has been talking about working on film sets with Christopher Nolan. He told Little White Lies: "The biggest thing I learned from making this movie is that Chris Nolan doesn't sit down. He leads by example, so any time there's a break given, it's because he knows everyone else needs one.

“It makes it really hard to complain because you know he’s been there longer than you, you know he’s the first one there and he’s going to be the last one to leave. For him, it’s all about making the project the best that it can be and that’s infectious.”


Zero of the week is travelling alone, according to Niall Horan. He told Billboard that it's taken a while to adjust to being a solo artist. "Every now and then you're like, 'Fookin' hell, where is everyone?' " he says. "You're sitting in an airport lounge, they call you for a plane, and you don't stand up initially because you're waiting on ­everyone else, you know? 'Oh, Louis'll be back from the toilet in a minute.'"