What are your best and worst festival experiences?

20-PERSON POLL: The promoter MCD launched Longitude, a new festival, this week

20-PERSON POLL:The promoter MCD launched Longitude, a new festival, this week. It's at Marlay Park in Dublin from July 19th to 21st. Una Mullallyasked people at the launch about their best and worst festival experiences.

Shane Dunne Cork

“Worst was getting caught in an unbelievable downpour just after The National finished at Electric Picnic. I slept in the van, cold.”

Sarah Francis, Donegal


“Patti Smith at Electric Picnic last year was the best. The worst was all of Electric Picnic in 2010. They weren’t able to handle the rain.”

Aoife Kelly Tipperary

“I got stageside for Kings Of Leon at Oxegen beside Josh Hartnett. He’s on my list, so I was blabbing away, but then Helena Christensen, who he was dating, came over and goes ‘Who are you?’ ”

Jim Lawless Terenure, Dublin

“Best was Lollapalooza, seeing Daft Punk.”

Brian Spollen Glenageary, Dublin

“The Fleadh in the 1990s in Waterford where I had to sleep under a Portakabin. The best is my Biggie Spoll spa and leisure centre at Oxegen.”

Orla O’Reilly Dublin

“The best was Arctic Monkeys at Oxegen four years ago. The worst was at Burning Man when I had to sleep in a car because our tent blew down. The heat was horrific.”

Darragh Genockey Tallaght, Dublin

“Best was being at a Chillies tribute band and then seeing Justice at Sziget. Worst was a friend being maced at that festival.”

Anthony Remedy Blanchardstown, Dublin

“Best was Daft Punk at Tribal Gathering in 1997. Worst was at Féile in Cork . . . someone robbed all the tent pegs.”

Caroline Foran Glasnevin, Dublin

“I fell out of a toilet at Castlepalooza. Best was dancing to James Vincent McMorrow’s set on the hill in Kilmainham.”

Niall Morris Dublin

“My best would be Rage Against The Machine at Oxegen. Worst was Glastonbury in 2005. The festival is brilliant, but the mud was horrendous.”

Conor Wilson Mayo

“Worst was definitely the year Daft Punk played Oxegen and the mud came over my wellies. I think Shit Robot at Lovebox in London was the best.”

Rionagh McNamara Dublin

“Best is definitely doing wardrobe for Pet Shop Boys. Worst was a band forgetting their confetti and asking me to make it with a ream of paper and a scissors.”

Richie McCormack Blanchardstown, Dublin

“Kraftwerk at the Picnic was amazing. Worst was the day after when someone decided to chew on my Kraftwerk T-shirt and ripped it off while I was still wearing it.”

Priscilla Kotey Tyrone

“New Order at Forbidden Fruit was amazing. You forget all the brilliant tracks they have. Worst was that I really wanted to go see Massive Attack at the Picnic, but it rained so hard I couldn’t go out.”

Dave O’Shaughnessy Dublin

“Being up the front for Sigur Rós last year, being too drunk to remember it. Best was 2ManyDJs or Chic at the Picnic.”

Siobhan Hogan Raheny, Dublin

“Pulp at Electric Picnic. I’d never seen them live but I was a fan for years.”

Stephen Byrne Dublin

“Worst was Oxegen two years ago when I was on medication, had a drink halfway through Kesha, and then fell asleep.”

Stephen McSweeney Dublin

“Worst was nearly dying when the stage collapsed at Pukkelpop in Belgium. Three people died where I was. Best was Oxegen 2011 seeing Coldplay and Christy Moore play.”

Heather Rowland Terenure, Dublin

“My worst was when my tent floated away, with all my belongings in it, at Oxegen.”

David Harris Dublin

“Best experience was Glastonbury 2005. People were going around in kayaks.”