What's on your rider?

Ryan Sheridan

Ryan Sheridan

What's on your rider?Fresh fruit, beers and throat tea.

What would be on your fantasy rider?Go Karts!

What's your pre-gig ritual/ routine?40 minutes of guitar and vocal warm-ups.


How do you get to the gig – limo, taxi, walking?We have a shiny black tour bus that does the job these days.

What's the best gig you've been to?Sigur Rós at the Olympia, Dublin. A complete sensory overload, totally inspiring.

What are your favourite and least favourite venues?For me personally it's the audience that make the venues good or bad, so it depends on who has turned up rather than what room they've walked into.

Who is the most famous person to have shown up at one of your gigs?My manager!

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?Slipping on top of a table, falling on my ass and kicking a full pint over a girl who was dressed in her best threads. Very hard to come back from that.

What's your crowd-pleasing number?At the moment that would be Jigsaw.

What's the most you've ever paid for a gig ticket?I can't remember. I reckon if you really wanna go, you don't think about the price afterwards.

How many roadies does it take to change your lightbulbs (ie, how big is your entourage)?We are a compact yet dynamic crew of four multi-tasking people.

Have you a special stage wardrobe?Yes – my black cap.

Do you like to meet and greet fans after the gig?Sure, why not?

Any useful stage tips?A good soundcheck makes all the difference between a good gig and a bad gig.

What's the worst thing ever thrown at you?A bottle.

If you could be in any other band, which one?Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Who's invited to your aftershow party?Anyone who finds me funny. It's a short list.

What's your best tour story?Everyone knows the answer – what goes on tour stays on tour!

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea. Ryan Sheridan plays Barbican, Drogheda, Co Louth tonight