Roger Doyle: The Thousand Year Old Boy

The Thousand Year Old Boy
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Artist: Roger Doyle
Genre: Electronic
Label: Silverdoor

He's tricky enough to pin down, is Roger Doyle. Long regarded as Ireland's premier electronic music pioneer, Doyle has skirted along various paths yet always seems to remain rooted to his inspirations if not his influences. The Thousand Year Old Boy , explained as "explorations in imagined world musics – past and present and future", will no doubt be viewed by some as yet another diversion into yet another bout of experimentation. But stick with it and it unfolds like a red carpet snapped out in slow motion. Using intuitive guest vocalists (Ahmad Alkaran on Nadé and Gandharva , Gavin Jones on the title track, and Olesya Zdorovetska on Olesya and Temwani Sleeps ) pushes further the sense of Doyle's engagement with multiculturalism, as well as his largely unheralded knack of riding the curve of avant-garde(ish) tastes and managing to stay on.
Download: Gandharva, The Thousand Year Old Boy

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture