Roger Eno: Little Things Left Behind 1988-1998

Little Things Left Behind 1988-1998
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Artist: Roger Eno
Genre: Electronic
Label: All Saints Records

It looks as if ambient classicism really does run in the Eno family, but while big brother Brian runs with the big guns (Coldplay, U2 et al), Roger takes a low-profile path. You might say they are one but they're not the same; whereas Brian's solo work has always cut the mustard with a serrated knife, Roger's veers more towards a straitlaced mix of Satie and Delius. For the most part, it's beautiful and extremely chilled (but not in a silly, über-hip way). This double album is a collection gathered from five records over 10 years, and if you've been too busy with Eno the Elder's work over the decades (guilty, m'lud), then you really should explore this branch of the family tree and see what subtle, piano-driven, ambient delights you find.

Download: The Wonderful Year, Days of Delay, Walsingham

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture