Sam Smith: the dude’s got it

Singer shows there is more to him than the odd brilliant hook

Sam Smith

Stars: ***

You will know Sam Smith as the man who provides the vocal impetus on Disclosure’s lavacious “Latch”, one of the songs of the year. But he’s more than a fairly brilliant hook singer for hire – Smith’s a man on a mission to wow all under his own steam with that smashing pitch-perfect falsetto.

While it’s early days yet for Smith as a live performer – you can sense he’s still bonding with his band and learning how to work them – you can tell his confidence is growing with every show like this. It helps that there’s a sizable number out front who already know and dig his songs like “Nirvana” and “Stay With Me”. Even the tunes which haven’t already escape into the wild of the interwebs are greeted here like old friends. Dude’s got it.