Sarah and Deborah Nemtanu: Bach Violin Concertos | Album Reviews

Bach: Violin Concertos; Schnittke Concerto Grosso No 3
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Artist: Sarah and Deborah Nemtanu (violins), Orchestre de Chambre de Paris/Sascha Goetzel
Genre: Alternative
Label: Naïve V5383

French sisters Sarah and Deborah Nemtanu are leaders of the Orchestre National de France and the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, respectively.

And they are also characterful soloists who play Bach’s three violin concertos with what sounds like intuitive freedom – just sample the flicked-in embellishments.

These recordings also combine period- instruments style spareness of vibrato with moments of almost old-style fullness of orchestral sound.

The couplings are fascinating, two of Bach’s Two-Part Inventions played on violin and gutteral viola, and Schnittke’s Third Concerto Grosso of 1985, a work that moves from faux Bach into pure Schnittke as if by way of musical hallucination. in new window ]

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor